TIMESTAMP: [2041/03/02]

The Codex is a city-wide mainframe in New Archon, powered by virtual intelligence.
It was originally intended to improve quality of life for New Archon citizens by reducing crime and allowing devices across the city to communicate with high efficiency.
The Codex was flawed, however, and several backdoors were found within hours of initialization.
The interconnected systems of the Codex were quickly exploited by malicious individuals, and efforts to regain control have been ineffective.

Operator Profile:
Identity: Kyana Wrenn
Operator ID: K-01
Date of Acceptance: October 2, 2039
Assignment: Team Z04 Head /// Team [DATA_LOST] Supervisor
Weapons: Ranged > KTK-02 /// Melee > Havoc Blades
Armor: None
Strengths: Accurate and ruthless with submachine guns.
Skilled at both martial arts and close-range dagger combat.
Quick and decisive leader who prioritizes the safety of allies and civilians.
Weaknesses: Very defensive when receiving criticism. Occasionally too blunt when evaluating others.
Notes: Kyana is highly respected among many HYPER BEAM operators.
Complaints filed against her describe her insulting other operators, and attacking others with blunt, inconsiderate comments.
An investigation found that operators who file complaints against Kyana have 31% lower performance in HYPER BEAM combat evaluations, compared to the organization average.
The investigation concluded that her behavior required reprimanding, but was not severe enough to warrant termination or demotion.
Those close to her have reported that while not working, she can be an emotional and sensitive person.
Despite her cold and serious demeanor, she shows a huge amount of care for her work.
Her ability to keep civilian lives and ally safety as an utmost priority, while successfully completing assignments, is very commendable.
Kyana advanced to Y and Z-class much faster than most, due to her attention to detail and fighting skills.
She demonstrates absolute mastery of perception and agility in her decision to fight without any armor, claiming that the extra weight it adds only slows her down.
Assessment: Valuable and trustworthy - keep in leadership positions indefinitely. Promotion to Head of team [DATA_LOST] is likely.
![Kyana Wrenn [Operator K-01] Operator K-01 holding two daggers menacingly.](images/kyana_wrenn_image.png)

Despite extensive efforts by data-miners, K-01's past remains mostly obscured in the Codex.
She appears to have taken sweeping measures to permanently delete any records of herself before joining HYPER BEAM.
An estimation of her history has been assembled from a variety of sources, including K-01's own statements, her former affiliates, and clues left behind in the Codex.
The following information is unreliable and may contain errors:
K-01 was born on September 30th, 2021, in Lower Hull, New Archon.
Her name at birth is unknown.
Her mother was an executive BIOSHAPER employee on the SHAPER development team, name unknown.
Her father has not been identified.
As a teenager, she developed her own Codex backdoor, and manipulated the backend to her advantage frequently.
Though by modern standards, the tool was primitive, at the time it was one of the most advanced Codex backdoors.
The program got the attention of several criminal factions, who wished to use it and work with K-01.
She refused to reveal the source code for her backdoor, citing a hatred for those who used the Codex to harm others.
In retaliation, the faction [DATA_LOST] killed K-01's only living parent, her mother.
Following the murder, K-01 evaded law enforcement and created a fork of her backdoor - a program that scanned the Codex continuously, encrypting any evidence of her past.
K-01 has no further record of writing code, purportedly abandoning her programming skill as a result of the grief it caused her.
At this point, K-01 began using the name "Kyana Wrenn".
Authorities terminated the search for her, unable to find a lead.
K-01 remained hidden from the watchful eye of the Codex for years, finding a new purpose in learning martial arts and firearms handling.
Her time in the shadows came naturally - a combination of directness and strength let her make allies fast, and enemies faster.
K-01's Codex signature reappeared on September 30, 2039, when she deactivated her Codex encryption program and applied to join HYPER BEAM.

New Archon, established 1723, is a mega-city bordering the Atlantic Ocean. It's split into 5 districts: Central, Upper Ridge, Crescent Bay, Lower Hull, and West Arch.
With a population of 7.8 million over just 1532 km², it’s one of the most populous and dense urban areas in North America.
In 2017, New Archon was chosen as the pilot location for a new technology known as the Codex, which would allow the entire city to run on one advanced, interconnected mainframe.
The technology was finished and fully implemented after 7 years, in 2024.
New Archon has faced numerous societal and economic obstacles, as criminal organizations breached security and used the Codex for their own gain.
It is currently the most dangerous city on Earth, based on average daily non-natural deaths.

Central is the heart of New Archon.
The many skyscrapers in this dense metropolis are filled with office space for the richest and most infamous New Archon businesses.
Life in Central is fast-paced and intense - the Codex is meticulously wired throughout the entire district, allowing for exploits to have faster and more widespread effects.
With the help of the Codex's regulation, all of Central is kept entirely pollution-free, resulting in the cleanest air out of any major city worldwide.
The New Archon government operates from Central.

Upper Ridge is the wealthiest district in New Archon.
The region is filled with large houses and mansions, with many malls and businesses lining the streets in more urban areas.
Due to the difference in wealth, other districts are generally hostile towards Upper Ridge residents.

Crescent Bay contains the importing and exporting industries of New Archon.
The city regularly imports materials such as lumber, steel, and silicon.
Common exports include seafood, electronic components, and clothes.
The area also features a coastline dotted with beaches available to the public, though they are unpopular.
The bay contains few sparsely placed residential areas, mainly housing employees of the nearby companies.
Crescent Bay has low air quality, which prevents many from choosing to live nearby.

Lower Hull houses most low-income New Archon residents, sprawling South of the bay.
The area was initially undeveloped land, but was eventually developed as population grew and a need for cheaper housing arose.
The Codex was implemented less rigidly in Lower Hull due to its vast and expanding area, meaning that many of the first Codex exploits originated within its boundaries.

West Arch is the largest suburban area in New Archon.
Initially, it was higher-class but fell into relative disrepair after many wealthy citizens moved to larger properties in Upper Ridge.
Citizens of West Arch have long been anti-Codex, and rumors of severing the district from the rest of New Archon are frequent.
So far, they have been unsuccessful.
The district reports the lowest homicide rate of any in New Archon.

HYPER BEAM is a subversive organization consisting of highly trained hackers and fighters.
It was formed in response to the uptick in criminal activity after the introduction of the Codex.
Members are known as operators, and are classified based on skills and experience.

HYPER BEAM’s field operators.
Proxies conduct reconnaissance work and engage in combat.
Each proxy is equipped with an augmented-reality implant which connects to hyperI/O, overlaying vital information onto their vision and allowing audio/visual communication with Satellites.

A proprietary operating system designed to host all HYPER BEAM activity.
Each operator is assigned a unique 32-character tag, which authenticates access to different levels of security clearance.

HYPER BEAM operators are split into various teams. A team consists of 14 operators, as follows:
1 Head > The leader of the team, who issues orders to other operators and is responsible for ensuring the safe and effective operation of the team. Heads typically must be authorized for one class higher than the team they lead. Heads are always Proxies.
3 Supervisors > Overseers of the team, when the head is unable to. Supervisors are allowed to overrule orders from the head for the safety of the team or HYPER BEAM. Supervisors may be Satellites or Proxies, but there must be at least one of each on a team.
5 Proxies > Reconnaissance and combat operators.
5 Satellites > Support operators.
Each team is categorized into a class, denoting their capabilities:
> X-class [Recon]: The lowest class, consisting of new recruits who have been in the organization for one to fourteen months. X-class teams are deployed for recon and scouting, and are forbidden to engage in combat, though they carry light weapons for emergency situations. All X-class operators except for heads are required to attend weekly combat training sessions.
> Y-class [Light Combat]: The class with the most teams, consisting of operators who have been in the organization for one to three years. Y-class teams are deployed for combat with lesser threats, and also provide occasional recon for highly defended locations. The proxies in Y-class are authorized to carry heavier weapons such as rifles and submachine guns, but operators require permission from the head in order to use lethal force.
> Z-class [Heavy Combat]: An exclusive class that contains only 10 teams, which are highly competitive. Operators are selected for Z-class on a 4-week cycle. HYPER BEAM operators are expected to be ready for Z-class after four years of training. Z-class teams are deployed for combat with high-priority threats. Z-class operators are authorized to use lethal force without the permission of the head.
> Ω-class [Final Defense]: A restricted class kept hidden from most HYPER BEAM operators. Ω-class contains a single team of the most skilled and trusted operators. Admission to this team requires the unanimous agreement of all current Ω-class, as well as the majority of Admins. The Ω-class is only deployed for exceedingly dangerous threats, making use of their secrecy to eviscerate enemies. While no such threats are present, Ω-class operators are split into various Z-class teams as heads or supervisors, in order to not draw attention to Ω-class.
Teams are numbered within classes, in the format [class letter][2-digit team identifier]. For example, X17 or Z03.

LIMIT is the most established and dangerous criminal organization in New Archon.
Initially formed in 2002, they have grown their influence and wealth through countless illegal ventures, notably:
assassination, political fraud, substance production and distribution, illicit adult websites, identity theft, and extortion.
LIMIT acts as a leader for many smaller gangs and syndicates, providing assistance and backup when needed - especially when HYPER BEAM intervenes.
They are infamous for their hateful and highly unethical morals.
In the pursuit of power and money, LIMIT is unconcerned with civilian safety, economic stability, and environmental damage.
LIMIT's termination is a critical objective for HYPER BEAM.

The Alternate Timeline Divergence is an event that took place on July 30, 2039, where time appears to have been fragmented into infinite timelines.
During the Divergence, all electronic devices were temporarily disrupted, meaning that no recordings of it exist.
Scientific consensus supports the following chronology:
Phase 1 - Light > At exactly 15:00 UTC, colors began distorting. Everything appeared to have a red tint, then blue, and finally purple, over the course of about 5 minutes.
It is believed that this was a side-effect of the speed of light being altered.
Phase 2 - Time > At approximately 15:05 UTC, time began distorting. All time seemed to pass more quickly, and then exponentially more slowly, over the course of about 30 seconds.
Past this point, estimates of elapsed time are impossible.
Phase 3 - Space > At some point afterwards, space began distorting.
It was as if the world was shifting between different geometries rapidly, from euclidian, to hyperbolic, to spherical, and so on, through endless inexplicable projections of reality.
Phase 4 - Completion > Eventually, suddenly, the world turned infinitely dark.
Complete silence, for an uncomfortably long duration.
Finally, an overwhelmingly intense light shone through, covering everything in a blinding white.
Slowly, the world faded back into view, and appeared to be reset back to its previous state, at 15:00 UTC.
The memory of the event remained for nearly everyone.
The Codex was one of the only electronic devices to have suffered damage from the Divergence, likely due to its size and complexity. A large amount of data was scrambled following the event, and recovering its data is still an ongoing effort.
Extensive research has been done in an attempt to discover the cause and effects of the Alternate Timeline Divergence.
The current accepted explanation attributes the event to a celestial object about 9,000,000,000 lightyears away: [DATA_LOST].
There is no evidence of this object existing prior to the Divergence, and study of its electromagnetic signature has revealed clues that strongly point towards an infinite multiverse of unsynchronized timelines.
The creator or ultimate purpose of [DATA_LOST] is unknown.

BIOSHAPER is a New Archon company that offers genetic engineering.
Formed in 2018, the brand gained widespread fame when they deployed SHAPER, their flagship service, in 2021.
SHAPER allows users to genetically modify themselves in order to add or remove cosmetic features, such as eye color, hair color, and many others.
In 2025, BIOSHAPER announced SHAPER 2.0, which increased the range of modifications.
This included more impactful biological changes, including adding various animal characteristics to humans.
Since SHAPER 2.0 launched, the ability to grow feline and canine features became and remains the most popular cosmetic genetic modification.
Further updates have been released - SHAPER 3.0 and SHAPER+ - but the extra risk and expense of the newly introduced modifications meant they never reached the mainstream appeal of SHAPER 2.0.

This entry contains definitions of terms that do not require an entire entry to themselves.
- Network spike:
- A device that disrupts Codex activity within a certain radius, especially one used in combat.
- Operator:
- A member of the organization HYPER BEAM.
- Virtual Intelligence:
- A superintelligent form of artificial intelligence that is perceptively indistinguishable from human thought.